Where girl talk gets REAL and what Cynthea Says, goes.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Social Networks and Relationships

Look ladies, we should all know by now that social media was MADE to put all your business out there...but that doesn't mean do it! (CONTROL YOURSELF YOU  ANIMAL!)
     With Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and everyyythinnngggg else out there made just for us, its easy to forget that there is such thing as privacy and things meant to be said in person. Too many of us are using our social networks as a release or as a public diary. If you have 1,278 friends on Facebook, well guess what? 1,278 people just read this: " OMG, I can't believe he did this to me...I just don't know what to do. -Feeling Lonely :( " Ugh! It makes me SICK when I see stuff like that on networks. I know we are emotional creatures, and there is nothing wrong with that, but you can't keep everyone posted with the ups and downs of your relationship. Its not fair to either one of you in the relationship and it just gives everyone a reason to talk bad about you when the next status you write is this: "Laying down with my babe, about to watch a movie! Yay! -Feeling Loved" Not cool girl, not cool. Ladies, when you need a release or you just wanna say something about your boyfriend, DO NOT, I mean DO NOT go to a social network!
1st Rule about Social Networks and Relationships: Do not use social networks like a diary unless you are willing to suffer from the consequences. Have some respect for your relationship!

Now! Social Networks also play another role in our relationships. They force us to define our relationship status and they allow us to send friend requests and communicate with anyone really. Personally, I choose to not show my relationship status on my profile. You can see who I'm with based off of the pictures! I think of it this way: If me and my special someone were to break up, everyone would see my status go from IN A RELATIONSHIP to SINGLE. I just rather keep that information to myself. That's just me though! With Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram it's so easy to make "friendships", but not only friendships but relationships. We can like any picture, follow anyone, message anyone, and retweet anything. But when our guy does it, all hell breaks loose! I know ladies, I know.
     That's where REAL communication comes into place! If your guy is liking all these different girls' pictures, tell him how it makes you feel! If it doesn't bother you then more power to ya! But for the rest of us...it's just not okay. Now, if he is messaging girls, you should be concerned. Because honestly, what is he messaging them for? Unless its him asking for advice on what perfume to get you or where he should take you for your next date, he really has no reason to be constantly communicating with another girl.
2nd Rule about Social Networks and Relationships: If your guy's activity on social networks is bothering you, SPEAK UP! Be woman enough to tell him what's bothering you and how it makes you feel.

Social Networks cannot ruin your relationship, but the lack of communication or dishonesty will. Communicate with your partner, not with your Twitter. There's nothing wrong with letting a  little bit of your personality out, but don't spill all the jelly beans.

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