Where girl talk gets REAL and what Cynthea Says, goes.

Friday, September 6, 2013

How to Survive College as a Freshmen

And the worst Blogger award goes to.....me!!!
I have been so busy with school, work, and school assignments I haven't gotten a chance to have my "me" time and write for myself and my lovely readers. August 26th I started school here at college. Within these few weeks I have already learned so much! I have already become a stronger and more independent person, finally! When people tell you college is way different from high school, they are NOT lying! So, I have created a quick list of tips for my pre-college or college readers.

Do you feel the seriousness in that statement? I wrote in bold, highlighted it, and capitalized it so you know it's real! In college there is a heavy work load. They will give you a lot of work and expect it done by a certain time. Remember the deadline! For those of you who like to save stuff for the last minute, college is NOT the time to do that. Are you a crammer? Yeah, no, that's not going to work here either! When you are lucky enough to have free time, use it! study your butts off and get your work done so that when the deadline comes you will have nothing to worry about.

2) Get involved
Whether you're going to a big college or a small college there are always clubs, sports, and activities to get involved in. Do your research! When you seek, you will find! Getting involved with your school will help you meet people, get your name out there, help you have fun, and help your overall college experience.

3) Don't be afraid
I know when you're the "new kid" things may seem a bit scary and everything is so unknown but there really is nothing to be afraid of. In college you're not completely alone because theirs always going to be hundreds more kids in your exact position. If you have a question, ask it. If you want to do something, do it. There are so many opportunities in college that you really should take advantage of, don't be scurred!

4) Get your Z's and Time Management
College really will keep a person busy! With me, I have school and then work and by the time I get home I have studying and homework waiting for me. That's when time management comes in. Waiting to do your homework or studying will only prevent you from getting your sleep. Without sleep, we are just...well...useless. I learned after my first week that I would really have to add sleep into my schedule or else I would become this useless blob not absorbing any information in class.

5) Get organized
I saved this for last because it really is important throughout all of college and all of your life.  When you are not organized you can forget things, miss deadlines, and feel overwhelmed. Before you start college invest in some forms of organizers. I personally have a large white board in my kitchen to remind me of things to do around the apartment. I also have a calendar in my room that is actually quite large as well. My calendar is just so I can see deadlines, due dates, tests, quizzes, social events, or anything else. Then, there is my planner. That is what I take around with me everywhere. I guess you could say it is like a smaller to-go version of my calendar at home but my planner is where I write down immediate information.

Hope this was able to help you guys! Want another list? Have any things you think should be added? Feel free to tell me! I love to hear from my readers!



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