Where girl talk gets REAL and what Cynthea Says, goes.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Drama Drama Drama

All of my life I have struggled with standing my ground, being assertive, and  dealing with confrontation. I hate the feeling you get when you're in an argument, especially with a close friend. I've realized that I rather avoid confrontation all the way around and just deal with the tension or frustration I feel, and just let it eat me up inside. Today is the day I must put my foot down. I must agree to myself and all of my readers that I will change my ways. 
Confrontation is not fun. It takes a strong person to deal with it the correct and affective way. Sometimes the way you approach something and go completely wrong and possibly make things worse and I think that's a lot of the reason I completely avoid it.
Here's the thing: If your relationship with this person matters enough to you you will do what it takes to create peace within yourself and with the person. Tension isn't healthy. Stress isn't healthy. It needs to be nipped in the butt...properly! 
Lets come up with steps:
1) Calmly approach the person
2) Explain how much they mean to you
Ex: "You know you're my best friend, so that's why..."
3) Address the problem 
4) Make clear your expectations 

Be strong ladies. (: 

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