So I have most definitely been flaking on my blog. This is supposed to be my baby, my little best friend. I need to show it more attention, I know! So here I am, giving it my full attention!
Today's WTF Wednesday topic is on my first week of college finals. It truly is as horrible as people say it is. Finals come right after Thanksgiving Break and right before Christmas Break, it's like the evil in between two very happy times!
Now, I must admit that I really was not prepared for these finals like I wish I was. I waited until just this weekend to start studying and I have been cramming like cray-cray. Speaking of which, I need to begin my cramming for my next exam tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning! Like WTF? Who's brain can actually do the translations and conjugations necessary for Spanish at 7:30 in the morning? NOT MINE, that's who's.
My Finals & Study schedule:
Monday: Mass Communications (study for Math)
Tuesday: Math (study for History)
Wednesday: History (study for Spanish)
Thursday: Spanish (study for Art)
Friday: Art (run like a crack head and get the HECK out of this place!)
I have literally been studying for my exams the day before the exam takes place. I would never suggest this because studying this way has side effects! Major ones! Sleep loss, caffeine head aches, anxiety attacks, crying sessions, and contemplating between continuing this or being a stripper. (Don't act like you haven't thought about it before!)
So far, my exams have all been a success and the studying and side effects have all been worth it. So to answer your question, I will not be a stripper. Don't worry!
You can do this! You are already more than half way there and before you know it, you will be home with your family celebrating the holiday season. Now, stop reading this and get to your studies!
Good luck!
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